Tēnā rā koutou katoa!

Hei tīmatanga, me tangi ō tātou mate. Haere koutou, haere, haere, haere!

Engari anō tātou kua mahue nei, me te pōnānā ki te whakakīkī i ngā whāwhārua! Me mihi tonu ki a rātou i tuku mai i te whenua hei tūranga mō tātou. Kei wareware nā wai mā i tuku iho, ā, mō wai mā hoki ā tātou mahi o ēnei rā!

We are pleased to provide this update on Trust matters.


2024 General Meeting

This was held at Tamatekapua on Saturday 24th February 2024 and attended by 116 Owners. Our appreciation to Leo Watson for facilitating this hui. The reports tabled are located on the Trust Website here


New Corporate Trustee Model

The new Corporate Trustee model was approved by the Maori Land Court at a hearing in Rotorua on 2 May 2024. This is now part of our Trust Order. As previously outlined the existing 7 individual Trustees are replaced with a new company Trustee and they become Directors of the new Trustee Company called Tumu Kaituna 14 Trustee Company Limited. A process of rotation of Directors is established and the first election of two new Directors will take place this year. Current Trustees Anaru Bidois and Waldo Houia have decided to step down and there are accordingly two vacancies to fill at this years election. We sincerely thank Anaru and Waldo for their guidance and contributions to the Trust since their appointment in 1990.


2024 Election

The Trust has appointed Election Services as independent Returning Officer to conduct the election of two Directors. The timetable for the election process is:

27th July 2024 – Nominations open.

23rd August 2024 – Nominations close.

6th September 2024 – voting papers either online or postal are issued to owners.

14th September 2024 – an online hui will be held for owners to meet the candidates.

4th October 2024 – Voting closes.

28th October 2024 – the new Directors take office.

Owners wishing to make a nomination for Director positions can download the nomination form from the Trust website or Election Services This must be completed and emailed to the Returning officer at info@electionservices.co.nz by 4pm on Friday 23rd August 2024.

For the first time online voting will be available and voting packs will issue to Owners that have provided email addresses (one address per owner). Other Owners will receive postal voting packs. Owners who have not provided email addresses can do so by contacting the share registry team at nzrotoruaenquiries@deloitte.co.nz

A key difference under this new model is that once the election process is complete the Directors will take office immediately and there is no delay waiting for MLC approval as in the past.


Project Update

Negotiations have continued with the Tauranga City Council towards a compensation agreement for use of the Trust land for the Infrastructure Corridors and Active Reserve. The process of valuation has been complex but should be resolved in the next couple of months. Once we have an agreement in principle this will be brought back to the Trust Owners to consider.

Owners will most likely be aware that the role of the Tauranga City Council Commissioners has ceased and a new Council and Mayor have been elected. We do not know what impact the new councillors may bring to the operations of TCC and their planning but we will be meeting with them at the first opportunity to establish a relationship with them and to outline our aspirations and objectives for the future development of our land.

In the meantime work has been progressing towards a Plan Change for Te Tumu that would eventually enable development to occur on the Te Tumu land area. First step in this process is to engage with Tangata Whenua and TCC are leading this process with support from the Trust as appropriate. TCC will be contacting iwi groups to discuss their preferences on engagement.

As always owners can view historical information and latest updates on the Trust website and provide feedback through the Contact page.

Nō reira, koina ā mātou kōrero mō tēnei wā, hei āta wetewete, hei āta whakaaroaro mā koutou, otirā, mā tātou katoa!

Ka makere iho te marama ki te one i Te Tumu … oi kau ana te tai!

Ka nui ngā mihi ki a koutou katoa,

Malcolm Short signature

Malcolm T Short


Office details