This survey is now closed.
We will be publishing the first owners survey results on our News page. We will also answer as many of your questions and comments as possible.
Keep an eye on the News page here.
Tēnā koutou!
He uiui tēnei mā ngā uri o Te Tumu Kaituna 14.
Koinei te huarahi e mōhio ai ngā Kaitiaki ki ō koutou whakaaro mō ngā take nunui, ā, hei reira whakariterite ai i ngā whāinga mo te whenua, mā tātou hoki ngā uri.
He mea nui ki a mātou ō koutou whakaaro kia pai ai ā mātou mahi whakahaere, whakawhanake.
Ka nui ngā mihi.
A new survey for owners of Te Tumu Kaituna 14 coming soon.
It will give the Trustees valuable feedback on a range of important points so owners can have a say in the direction of this project.
We value your input and will take into account your comments when making decisions about the whenua.